What we do
We are an out-of-school program open when kids need us most. Our membership is open to youth from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Club provides programs for kids and teens tailored to their specific educational and health needs.
for Over 20 years, We have provided our members with:
A safe, positive environment. Our Club is a safe haven where members feel physically and emotionally secure at all times.
Fun. Our Club facilities, staff and program offerings create a welcoming, positive environment that allows members to engage in activities, enjoy their play time and be happy and eager to come to Club.
Supportive relationships. Our Club ensures safe & meaningful relationships with adults and peers.
Opportunities and expectations. Club staff and programs consistently communicate the expectation that every child has the potential to excel, be productive and succeed at Club and in life.
Recognition. Our Club takes every opportunity to recognize and validate Club members' achievements and accomplishments.
For more information on our programs and activities, please visit our Programs page.